Mon - Fri 7:30AM-4:30PM
105-B Parker Road Chester, NJ 07930


R&R Construction / Community  / Stuff the Truck for Texas!

Stuff the Truck for Texas!

On August 25th, 2017, Hurricane Harvey began its destructive assault to Texas, causing $125 billion worth of damage and displacing over 30,000 people. To date, it is one of the costliest natural disasters in United States history, and is tied with Hurricane Katrina as the number one hurricane in total cost of property damage. Watching the devastation, R&R Construction’s leadership could not ignore the homes destroyed, the lives affected, and the communities shaken by this massive storm. In particular, they thought of HCSS, a Houston based construction software company whose services R & R uses within their day-to-day operations.

R&R Construction decided they needed to help.

They started a movement to collect donations called Stuff the Truck for Texas, a drive to collect items that could help the recovery efforts for the affected people. Members of R & R worked with local organizations to plan how best to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey. This process included a dedicated website created to organize and promote donation information, contact with HCSS to find out a drop off point and what was needed, and connecting with multiple community-minded organizations for donations. Stuff the Truck for Texas’ many outstanding supporters include The Chester Lions Club, Turpin Realtors, RoNetco Super Markets (The Romano Family), Community Presbyterian Church in Chester, Ashley Farms in Flanders, Alstede Farms in Chester, Ort Farms in Long Valley, The Far Hills Country Day School, Great Meadows Middle School, Villa Walsh, Petco (Chester, NJ), Pet Supplies Plus (Chester, NJ), Scirocco Group, Boys Scout Troop 156 and Cub Scout Troop 47 (Flanders NJ), Foerster Landscaping, Ricci & Stephanie Desiderio, Three Summers Creative, Branded Screen Printing, Cedarwood Landscaping, Budd Van Lines, West Morris Central High School, Mt. Olive Middle School and many other individual community members, friends, and family. HCSS became their point of contact that helped identify the ideal local organization to support.

The collected donations completely “stuffed” a 53-foot trailer which was then driven to Texas. It took two and a half days for Scott and Karen Dilley to drive from R & R Construction’s headquarters to the Fort Bend Women’s Center located in Rosenberg, Texas. Without loading docks, many volunteers were present to unload all the supplies by hand. Not forgetting our furry friends, dog and cat food donations were dropped off at a nearby animal shelter. Thanks to a huge community effort, diapers, shampoo, hygiene products, water, pet supplies, coffee, formula, cleaning products, and non-perishable food products could be given to those truly in need.

Stuff the Truck for Texas demonstrates what a difference a community can make when we come together for a good cause. R & R Construction would like to thank everyone involved in this relief effort. Without your support, none of this would be possible.

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